
Welcome to Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe

Exploring Unexplore The Remote Area Tribe in Sulawesi, Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe As Your Pasport

  WELCOME TO PEKKAE ECOLODGE AND ECORIVER CAFE    SELAMAT DATANG DI  PEKKAE ECOLODGE AND ECORIVER CAFE Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Café is located along the banks of the Rumpiae River, Kading Village, Kab. Barru. Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe is a charming eco-lodge and the design of the building blends in with nature and its surroundings. The location of Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe is very far from the noise, only the sound of the river cascade and birds covering the night, Dusun Rumpiae is very comfortable and beautiful. From the capital city of Barru, the distance is around 45 minutes by 4-wheeled vehicle. And from Hasanuddin International Airport, it is 70 km away and can be reached by 4-wheeled vehicle, about 2 hours drive. Pekkae EcoLodge temporarily has 4 units of private bungalow buildings, built with a rustic feel in the middle of a tertiary forest. Right on the edge of the Rumpiae river with kartz rocks. Pekkae EcoLodge and EcoRiver...
  WELCOME TO PEKKAE ECOLODGE AND ECORIVER CAFE   SELAMAT DATANG DI PEKKAE ECOLODGE AND ECORIVER CAFE   Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Café t erletak di sepanjang tepi Sungai Rumpiae , Desa Kading, Kab. Barru.   Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe adalah penginapan ramah lingkungan yang menawan d an  desain bangunannya menyatu dengan alam dan lingkungan seputarnya. Letak Pekkae EcoLodge & EcoRiver Cafe sangat jau dari kebisingan hanya suara riam sungai dan burung burung yang menyelimuti kesunyain malam, Dusun Rumpiae  sangat nyaman dan asry. Dari ibu kota Barru jarak tempu berkisar 45 menit dengan kendaraan rodan 4. Dan dari Bandara Internasional Hasanuddin airport berjarak 70 km dan dapat ditempu dengan kendaraan roda 4 berkisar 2 jam perjalanan. Pekkae EcoLodge untuk sementara ada 4 unit bangunan bungalo pribadi, dibangun dengan bernuansa  pedesaan di tengah tengah hutan tersier. Tepat di pinggir sungai Rumpiae yang bertebing de...